Toodle Tale Wiki



Stage: 1

Evolution Rate: None

Evolution Path: Megamorph

Color: Forest

Type: Rock

Attack Name: Pebble Duster

Block Name: Carnip Leaf

Evolve Level: 27

Description: The baby Carnip is a small rock toodle held together by Carnip roots that sprout small leaves to provide shade. Like a turnip, it usually buries itself in the wilderness and can be a rare yet rewarding find.



Stage: 2

Evolution Rate: None

Evolution Path: Carbonite

Color: Forest

Type: Warrior

Attack Name: Megafist

Block Name: Push

Evolve Level: 47

Description: The rock, once held by the Carnip, begins to morph into a much stronger substance. The Megamorph is a stage in this toodle's life where things are changing…



Stage: 3

Evolution Rate: None

Evolution Path: None

Color: Forest

Type: Warrior

Attack Name: Diamond Blade

Block Name: Iron Fist

Evolve Level: None

Description: Finally, the ultimate warrior. Made from rocks that have absorbed so much Carnip it has morphed into diamonds, the Carbonite wields a massive blade in its right hand. It also wears its Carnip leaves like a beret… because it can.

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